Monday, December 8, 2008


Ladies- this month's book has been hard to come by. Darn library. So we will review it next month ALONG WITH "Wuthering Heights". So for this month we will do book reviews. Just bring a book that you have read and love and share it with the group.
For next month- two books. I understand that life is busy. Do what you can. We will talk more details at this month's meeting. I am excited to see you all tomorrow!


Missy W. said...

i am so glad. i am still on the waiting list at the logan library...and nothing yet! if anyone has it, please let me know

Bec said...

Same here (so glad AND waiting on library). Next time I choose a book, it is going to be one that they have like 6 of already! :) Yay for a chocolate fountain. See you all in a few hours!

Bec said...

Hey, ladies... I got the "Beneath My Mother's Feet" book via the hold at the library. I just need to pick it up now. Does anyone still want it? Or since it's not a requirement anymore, would you rather wait and maybe read it later? Let me know. I leave next week... so try and let me know soon. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

PSST. This is Bon Bon speaking (inspired by Mindy's chocolatey fondue). I know that some spare copies of last month's book, Moonraker's Bride are circulating, which inspires this incompetent blogging effort. I love that y'all liked it, too!

If you want to keep any of the copies I threw out there at our Retreat, I'm thinking that $20 (Paperback $15) will save you the shipping cost (and hopefully a little more) than finding it online. That's about the average that I got them for, so I'm not profiteering?? Real word? Nor am I a prophet. :) Real word.
No rush and no worries. If any of them eventually travel full circle, I don't care either way. I do have my own copy. Yay, Krista for sharing the book!!

I hope to see y'alls at next month's meeting before the party ends! :)