Friday, February 26, 2010

Movie Night

It's kind of last minute, but. . .
Movie Night at Mindy's house tonight
8:30 if you want to watch Survivor with me and Ang
Wear your jammies. I will be in mine.
Bring a treat if you want. I have lime chips.
We will watch "Speak". I promise.
Spread the word.
Come hang out!


Bonnie Bon said...

I wish I had been there, Friends! How was Valentine's Day? Was there a lot of smooching? I promise that I'm still a lover of lit, though I've been slacking in attendance. Tell me if I should see Valentine's Day or not... and I assume that I must see Speak, right?

Missy W. said...

so the hold time for March's book is 33 days at the logan library :(

Linda Oxborrow said...

I have finished the book- it is the book mobile copy- but we can keep in through the month- whoever calls first can have it. Does anyone else have access to it or have it? Sounds like it is a hard one to get a hold of???? sorry!! let me know!