Friday, January 29, 2010

BFFs... and February's Pick

Hello, ladies. Becca here. I figured I'd post about this next book (to relieve Angie/Mindy of the job) since I am really feeling like posting anyway. What did I want to post? Oh, you know, just a whole lotta LOVE! Really, girls... you all are my BFFs for sure! I'm so glad we have this lil' book club, and that we all ended up being so close and compatible. It's hard to find women you genuinely get a long with and have so much in common with and admire and... :) But I found you all. You are my best friends, and I'm so, so happy to have you.

Ahem. Okay, cheesiness over (really, my husband rarely gets love letters that 'squishy' - lol). Now for next month's book:

"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Here is a quick intro, from the blurb on the back:
"In 1946, writer Juliet Ashton receives a letter from a stranger, a founding member of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. And so begins a remarkable tale of the island of Guernsey during the German occupation, and of a society as extraordinary as its name."

I actually just finished this book, and it was fabulous! I found it witty, cleverly made, enjoyable to read, definitely interesting, and even educational. I was going to do it as my book club choice if no one did it first. I'm glad Angie picked this one. I'm excited to talk about it with you all. So... what are you waiting for? Go get it!

{Note: L library has 1 copy, but it has 6 current holds on it- yikes! NL library has like 6 copies, though, and I think Johanna put a book club hold on them (sweet!). S library... who knows? Sorry, I'm no help there. Borders has it for about $10, cheaper ($7?) if you use their coupons. And Amazon has it for as little as $5.}

Book Club will be at Angie's place this month, on February 25th at 7pm.


Shanna said...

Oh Becca, I had no idea you had a squishy side! I love Book Club too. It has been awesome having all these great friends and I already can't wait for next month. p.s. I don't want Amy to leave.

Johanna Markworth said...

I'll second that, will miss you Amy, and I love, love, love book club! Just talked to NL library. There is another book club ahead of us, so we probably won't get it in time. Sorry. Talk to you all soon.

Missy W. said...

that was very sweet Becca. It was great to see you all! The hold for the L library was 17 days :(

Anne, will you add me to your blog?


Johanna Markworth said...

Ann-i forgot to leave my address, so you can add me to your blog. Thanks!

Bec said...

Me, too! Me, too!


Mindy said...

Bec- Thanks for posting friend! Leah, I felt a little bad we stayed so late the other night. I hope you will still hang out with me next month. I agree with Bec that you all are seriously my BFF's and I love you all. Very genuinely. I had like 8 things I was suppose to be at on Thursday night and book club won out over all of them. It is by far the most important.
As far as the book: I have Caron's copy which I will read and then I'm sure she will let us pass it around. If you have a copy that others can use, comment and let us know.
Love you all!

Ann said...

I have a copy if anyone wants it! Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Ann... please add me too so I can see your blog.

It has been a LONG time since I checked the blog. Becca - I am impressed with the cheesiness! I usually get the eebie-jeebies over anything sappy and reading your post gave me none of the sorts. I completely agree. I hated Utah until Mindy invited me to join and now I would be sad to leave.

That's as mushy as it gets for me :>! I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow night and if you don't all stay a long time to have fun and visit I will be incredibly offended. I missed out on last months long stay at Leah's and want to catch up on what everyone is doing!