Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Book for Review in April

Twenty-eight-year-old Leigh Fielding has a new chance at life thanks to Larry Resnick, a man she's never met - or more precisely, thanks to Larry's kidney. After five years on dialysis, Leigh is given the gift of a new kidney and a renewed sense of optimism; after all, for a long time she thought she wouldn't see her thirtieth birthday. Inspired by Larry and his gift, Leigh does what anyone who has been hooked up to a machine three days a week would want to do - she gets out of her hometown of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

A road trip seems like the perfect way to start her new life. Planning out stops along the way (visiting friends Meg and Jillian, dropping in unannounced on Larry's grandmother to thank her for his gift and find out more about him), her ultimate destination is California. There her mother disappeared to when she left Leigh, her brother, James, and their father, who killed himself about a year later. However, along the way, something unexpected happens - Leigh picks up a hitchhiker. Seventeen-year-old Denise is a runaway from her foster home, hiding from a bad boyfriend. She asks Leigh to take her along to California and Leigh, feeling daring with her new lease on life, agrees to the companionship, though she doesn't entirely trust Denise. Together they embark on a hilarious and unforgettable journey across the country and find parts of themselves scattered along the way.

This book was chosen by Missy. We will review Driving Sideways at our retreat on April 24-25.


Bec said...

How's that going to work if Missy won't be there? Can we still change the date???

Missy W. said...

no, don't change the date. the weekend before and after are bad too. i will write my review in a letter and have someone read it. Get this book guys! The reviews on amazon were awesome, I think it's going to be really great

Bec said...

Wow. So many comments... what are we going to do?? Oh, wait. WE DON'T HAVE THAT PROBLEM! What the crap, ladies?? I know you check this! Say "hello"... I seriously check this at least everyday. I'm feeling lonely here. :(
