Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Books

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good Christmas book for adults? Each year I read a Christmas book and am running out of ideas. I'd love some title suggestions :>!


Bec said...

I'm sure you've heard of it, and I'm not sure if it's the sort of book you're looking for... but I actually love The Forgotten Carols. Especially with the CD to listen to along side it. I read it for the first time with some roommates many years ago. It's a goodie!

Good luck on your search!

Mindy said...

Skipping Christmas is fun and not too serious but still has a good Christmas spirit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks ladies. I went to return some books at the smithfield library and picked up Skipping Christmas earlier this week. I also bought the second book in The Christmas Shoes series (very sappy series, but what's Christmas without a little sap). I didn't realize The Forgotten Carols was a book as well. Yay... add another to my list!

The Smithfield library had a Christmas display at the top of the stairs. I checked out some really cute chapter books to read to the girls (well Jayce since Hannah doesn't sit still long enough). I have a huge collection of picture books so it was fun to find something we could do as a read aloud over several nights.