Sunday, June 22, 2008

"O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"

Stealing one of Romeo's lines, I've gotta say this is exactly how I felt when I finished reading the third (out of four- the fourth to be released in a thousand years -- aka: August 2nd) book of the Twilight Saga. Ugh! Utter agony! I read each of the books 1 1/2 times over (had to re-read the "good" halves) in a day each, leaving my house and family pretty neglected for a while there. It was chaos that I had to "awaken" to... dishes to wash, laundry to fold, disaster to tame... but it was DEFINITELY worth it!

I am absolutely in love with Edward, and I CANNOT WAIT for Breaking Dawn (#4- the final one) to come out in August. I'm not sure how I'll handle the suspense until then. What happens? What happens? Does he... ? Will she... ? Are they gonna... ??? It's excruciating. And fun.

I should be ashamed to admit that I am finally and entirely a committed "Twilighter." But I'm not. Admit it... neither are you.


Mindy said...

Yay you are hooked too! It is all part of my master plan bwhahaha. . . I'm glad you liked it. We should have a Breaking Dawn reading party. We can all sit together and read- and listen to you gasp, groan, and make other funny noises. It would be fun. :)

Bec said...

Mindy, thank you for seeing that side of me and still loving me just the same! :) You make me laugh. I'm glad that I can return the favor.

Anonymous said...

I understand completely how you are feeling. I was that way when I read the first three books too. I am nervous for the fourth because all I think about for days afterwards is vampires. Oh well, it isn't a bad thing, just a pathetic obsession. Which is pretty embarrassing since all my beehives are obsessed as well and they are only what, 16 years younger than me!

Bec said...

No kidding, Shanna. I was at church one Sunday after finishing one of the Twilight books late, late, late Saturday night... and instead of focusing on anything religious in nature, I was thinking: "That girl could definitely be a vampire" etc. Soooo obsessed! Soooo can't wait for numero quatro! :)