Alright ladies, just wanted to give you all a head's up on how rides are developing for this afternoon:
There will be two (probably) vehicles leaving my house at 3:15. If you want to go early with us please be on time. I am not sure who all is going when and if you are not on time it is likely you will get left, and I don't want to do that! We will leave promptly at 3:15. Johanna we will pick you up on our way through town. We will stop at Smith's. Missy, if you are meeting us early we will be there about 3:30.
Angie is going over at 4:30. I know there are some people riding with her already. If you need a ride for the later time, give her a call.
There is at least one car coming back on Friday night. Becca I think that is you. The rest of us will plan to be back in Cache Valley by noon.
Also for food: I am just getting pizza and breakfast this time. Bring your own drink for dinner. I will provide paper products for dinner and some juice and milk with breakfast. I am trying to keep the cost as low as possible- we will see how we do with $5 this time around. Also please bring a paper product (tp or paper towels) to donate to the cabin.
That is what I know. Let me know if things are different than I stated or if you have questions. I am SO EXCITED to hang out with all of you. Yay for book club!!!!
Thanks Mindy!
Can't wait! See you all tonight:)
Sounds good! I'll get going so I can get to your house in a FEW HOURS! Yikes! Better shower! :) See you guys soon!
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